How To Drop A Table Permanently From Oracle Database?

Dropping table permanently: SQL> drop table test_tab purge; Table dropped. SQL> select OBJECT_NAME, ORIGINAL_NAME, DROPTIME from recyclebin; no rows selected. Purging of table from recycelbin: SQL> drop table test_tab; Table dropped. SQL> select OBJECT_NAME, ORIGINAL_NAME, DROPTIME from recyclebin; OBJECT_NAME           ORIGINAL_NAME           DROPTIME —————————— —————-     —— BIN$dD1ZsEvnDTHgRAADujKrxQ==$0 TEST_TAB 2010-09-23:12:40:58 SQL> purge table …

Flashback Table in Oracle Database – Query Recyclebin

What happens when we drop a table in Oracle 10g? Whenever we drop a table in Oracle 10g, internally Oracle will rename the table and all the associated objects like index, constraints etc with a prefix of “BIN$” and stores in the recyclebin. We  can either read the data directly …

How To Run ADDM in an Oracle Database?

ADDM or Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor is a tool which helps in automatic database performance monitoring. Run the below script to run ADDM. @?/rdbms/admin/addmrpt.sql The following is a sample  output you get if you Run the ADDM  when there is no significant database activity. DETAILED ADDM REPORT FOR TASK ‘TASK_416’ …

What are ActiveX Controls?

ActiveX controls are another term for Add-ons that we see associated with browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox etc. Other terms: Browser extensions, browser helper objects, or toolbars etc. Add ons improve your experience on a website by providing multimedia or interactive content, such as animations. However, some add-ons can cause …

How Search Engines Work?

Its interesting to see how search engines bring the right pages before us.What algorithm do they use? Again in the perspective of a Webmaster or Blogger, the Technology behind each Search Engines deserves special attention. Have a look at the below info-graphic which explains the history and technology behind each …

Difference between Website and Blog

Blogs For  ease of understanding, Blogs can be defined as below. -Blogs are the latest type of websites, and can be called Dynamic Websites. There can be many automation possible with blogs with the help of associated scripts. Blog(Dynamic) type of websites are more suitable if you have  dynamic content. …

How to Facebook?

Facebook, popularly known as FB has penetrated  almost half of the Internet users across the world and is still growing.Even by early 2009, FB ranked equal to the 4rth largest country in terms of population. But many users who seems addicted to FB are not aware about the right usage of this …

What is twitter?

What is twitter about? How do I twitter? Followers on twitter? tweets…? It can be a little confusion for the beginners. But Twitter is just another social networking platform, in the form of micro-blogging. The microblogs or posts are known as ‘tweets’ and these tweets form the central theme of …

How to take programs out from Start-Up in Windows?

If you don’t want unwanted programs to take away your memory during startup,you can follow the following step to remove them. Start->Run->msconfig->Startup. Untick the options of programs which you dont want in startup. (Be careful not to untick system programs) Restart your computer.

How to Reduce Cholesterol?

Exercise – at-least 20 minutes per day Eat Grape Fruit – at-least one per day Eat small- frequent meals Switch to dark chocolate Show more interest in vegetarian foods Low fat diet Dietary fiber—found in beans, fruits, and other foods—lowers LDL

How to increase the speed of Tata Photon+?

Open Network Connections by executing following command in ‘Run’ Window. ncpa.cpl Once the window is open,Right Click on the Tata Photon+ connection icon. Select Properties. We need to make some configuratin changes in this connection. The expected screen after making the changes should be as below: After making the changes …