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Information Technology

How to increase the speed of Tata Photon+?

Open Network Connections by executing following command in ‘Run’ Window. ncpa.cpl Once the window is open,Right Click on the Tata Photon+ connection icon. Select Properties. We need to make some configuratin changes in this connection. The expected screen after making the changes should be as below: After making the changes …

What is CPU Time and Elapsed Time?

CPU time/Process time is the amount of time  CPU spends processing instructions of a  program. This time doesnt include waiting for input/output operations. The CPU time is often measured in clock ticks or as a percentage of the CPU capacity. It is used as a measure of CPU usage by …

What is CPU’s role regarding a process?

Central Processing System (CPU) is the part of computer which executes computer programs. To make it simple,a Program in execution is known as Process. The thing which we need to keep in mind always is that: Only one process can be executed per CPU/Core at a time. So if we …

What is CPU utilization and CPU Load?

CPU Utilization is the term used to denote the percentage of CPU utilized/used. 90 % CPU utilzation means 10% of CPU is still not used and is idle. CPU Load is the term which denotes the number of processes waiting to be scheduled for CPU. Its generally taken as the …